Burkina Faso : Les cours reprennent demain 5 janvier


Selon le ministère en charge de l’éducation nationale, les cours reprennent effectivement ce jeudi 5 janvier 2023. Cela a été signifié ce mercredi 04 janvier 2023.

La suite après cette publicité

« Le ministère de l’éducation nationale, de l’alphabétisation et de la promotion des langues nationales souhaite une bonne reprise des cours le jeudi 5 janvier 2023 à tous les élèves et enseignants.

« Contrairement à certaines rumeurs, les cours reprennent effectivement le jeudi 5 janvier 2023 », a écrit le ministère.

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Un commentaire

  1. Good that school start this Thursday. We need all world class modern useful knowledge we may obtain plus schools are usually good place to find massive amount of useful knowledge.
    I annually pass on to students following method of analyzing or/plus writing as it apply. Intent is to help students develop mindset that could make it easy to acquire useful knowledge needed to become engineer, medical professional, teacher or any other professional. Process is thorough but time consuming however, more you use it quicker you become at using it plus determining which portions it is absolutely necessary to use in making righteous determination.
    Person should first consider who, what, when, where,where plus why of that being analyzed. Process entail to consider as fitting how, how long, how much plus how often of who, what, when, where, plus why of that being analyzed. This method should be applied to each step plus stage of that being analyzed progression or regression from most important area to least important area or from beginning to end or from what we like most to what we like least or vice versa of any of examining processes given. This method of analyzing is certain to assist student in developing needed world class modern viewpoint on science plus many conditions of living in this world. I often use it. We are reliant upon it to assist in our need to quickly develop abundant of world class modern personnel. All they need is correct modern curriculum. I am certain teachers will find it.
    Henry Author Price Jr aka Kankan

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